
to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

FREAKY! FREAKY! FREAKY! FREAKY! (And I Could Go On For Ever...)

I saw this link on Qacei's blog to a virtual barber shop, and I tried it out after Galaxy did...and it was AMAZING!!! You simply hook up headphones, put them on, click this link, hit play (if it isn't already playing), sit back, close your eyes, and listen. It is SCARY I couldn't believe my ears!!! I couldn't believe that I wasn't actually sitting having a haircut...go do it, NOW!!! (Note: It may stop in the middle, if so just hit "Play", and it REALLY requires headphones, it doesn't work otherwise)

Virtual Barbershop



We built a snow chair and snow man days ago...and finally got the pictures on the computer. Here they are:
Snow Chair

Galaxy On Snow Chair

Little Brother On Snow Chair

Me On Snow Chair

Me & Little Brother On Snow Chair

Snow Man

So that's it! Just a few pictures of our snow creations!
