
to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say!

Friday, January 11, 2008


(See post "Big Bump") This time, it was my knee. I can't quite recall how it happened--because at the moment, I didn't think much of it...I only really put on an ice pack when it started to hurt (which was a while afterwards)--I just remember that somehow I fell and hit my knee on the ground and that bruised it. I don't know if it's going to swell or not, yet, but I'm keeping it safe by keeping an ice pack on it.



Galaxy said...

You're just not having any luck when it comes to bruses, huh?

Froggy said...

Poor you! I hope it feels better!

Rose said...

It's gone now...thanks!

Anonymous said...

Mysterious bumps and bruises... sorry, it's a family tradition! Glad it went away quickly... I've got one on my foot. I have this vague memory of something crashing on my foot and being surprised it hurt (like a paper towel) so I think that's what it came from -who knows.

Rose said...


Galaxy said...

Mom's right; when I was younger, my legs were dotted with black and blue marks, how I got them I never new. It's not quite as bad now as it used to be, but I still have bruises and scratches with no idea how I got them!