
to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today is my blogiversary!(But for some strange reason I deleted my first post ever) Now I've officially been blogging for 1 year, wow. Now having mentioned that, here's a picture of me that I just took, I just thought I'd put it up here to be more interesting:

Well, that's it!


Galaxy said...

You look absolutely beautiful, Dear Sister! (then again, you always do)


Galaxy said...

Oh, and happy Blogiversary!

Froggy said...

Ooops! I would have wished you one...but I thought the first post would be on the first day...anyway, a very, very happy Blogiversary! (Late...) Nice photo!

Rose said...


persimmon said...

belated congratulations! I can't verify the word to post! they need an easier one for me! well at least this one is in Spanish I think it means give it to me again. Retomes.