
to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tagged Again!

(Would have posted this earlier, but my blog was NOT WORKING.) This time I'm supposed to do some alphabet thing.

A - Available?: Huh?

B-Best friend: My sis, Galaxy.

C-Cake or Pie?: No brainer! Cake! What's so special about pie that makes it equal to cake?!

D-Drink of choice: Water. Not that I like water. I am furious with water. Because I'm always thirsty and water is the only thing that will quench my thirst. So water is my "drink of choice".

E-Essential thing used everyday: My bright shiny red bashed up Sigg water bottle.

F-Favorite color: Hot Pink (kind of obvious, take a look at my blog!).

G-Gummy bears or worms: Bears. When they're vegan.

H-Hometown: I was born in Corvallis, but I don't live there anymore. The end.

I-Indulgence: Potato chips.

J-January or February: Depends how they are in what year.

K-Kids and names: WHAT?!!!

L-Life: Different. Different from average. Considering I'm almost vegan (since we just don't buy plain honey and still have leather products left from before, we are not quite vegan...), home-schooled, don't eat hydrogenated oils, and we are starting to recycle cans. But I love my life and I'm very happy!

M-Marriage date: Give me a time machine!

N-Number of siblings: Three.

O-Oranges or apples: I like oranges in moms orange smoothies...but I think apples are the winners.

P-Phobias: Claustrophobia a bit. That's all I know of...(or can think of).

Q-Quote: I don't really like doing quotes. And the one I like is already used.

R-Reason to smile: When I'm scared, sad, or have an unsettling feeling, because smiling makes me feel happier. Anytime though really.

S-Season: Doesn't matter. As long as it's good weather. If it's cold I want it to snow. If it's hot I want to swim. I guess I like getting up early in the summer and going to the park.

T-Tag three people: Galaxy tagged all the people I know to tag...so I can't tag anyone.

U-Unknown fact about me: Uhhh...I don't know...did you know I don't wish anymore? Or I don't really get these face things "(:/):"?

V-Vegetable you don't like: Cucumber.

W-Worst Habit: I don't know which one's worst. Picking at my scabs?

X-X-rays you have had: Teeth. That's all I can remember.

Y-Your favorite food: Spaghetti! I LOOVE SPAGHETTI!!!

Z-Zodiac: Gemini.

That's my alphabet tag! Hope you enjoyed!



Galaxy said...

My favorites are B and M. They make me happy.

Love you!

Rose said...

I'm glad!

