
to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Me and Little Brother were stung by a wasp. He was stung on his bottom and I was stung on my ankle bone. It hurt, kind of a sharp sting-y pain. It's sad Little Brother got stung too, he's so young, he was saying "Ow...Ow...", poor little guy! I feel better now, and I think he does too, hopefully we'll both be at our best tomorrow.



Froggy said...

Oh dear! That must have really hurt! I was stung by a bee once...but wasps seem like they would hurt more. Ow! I'm glad you're feeling better!

Rose said...
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Rose said...

Yeah...thanks for the sympathy!

Galaxy said...

Gosh, Rosi! That really was awful... At least I haven't been stung yet! (hehe)

Froggy said...

"Yet"? Do you expect to be stung soon?

Galaxy said...

No, but you never know...

Froggy said...
