
to my blog! I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Band Thingy

Yesterday, mom showed me this cool band thing on someone's blog (Zenmomma--her blogger name--Zenmomma's Garden--her blog), you make your own make-believe band. It goes like this:

Step 1: Here you find out what the name of your band is--it is the title of the first article there.

Step 2: Here is where the name of your album is--it is the last four words of the last quote.

Step 3: Here you find out what the cover of your album is--it is the third picture.

Here is mine (I edited it with 'Print Shop' to get the text onto the picture):

(Fresh Water: The Slide Into Atrocity)
Pretty neat, eh?



persimmon said...

While I really really like the title, "Fresh Water," "the slide into atrocity" huh? why? it should be the slide into possibility or maybe heaven or something wonderful...atrocity? NO!

Rose said...

I can't change the name! That would be cheating...You don't have any choice on the name. It randomly chooses it for you. Did you try it?

Rose said...

Didn't you?

Zenmomma said...

I just love that album cover you created. I think the picture works really well with all of it. Isn't it funny how that works out?

Rose said...

Yeah, it's cool...